Gelish PolyGel Light Pink - Get 40/50 Sets of Nails from 1 Tube

PolyGel Light Pink 2oz

Product Code: 1712005

Not an acrylic, not a hard gel, Gelish® PolyGel combines the best of both in a revolutionary all-in-one system that’s undeniably better!

Unlike acrylics, PolyGel requires no monomer, no mixing, and LED cures on demand.

Unlike hard gels, PolyGel applies fast and easy with no chasing or intense heat spike.


• 23% lighter than acrylics; 16% lighter than traditional hard gels, with no sacrifce to durability!

• Most natural feeling enchancement.


• Stronger than hard gels, more flexible than acrylics.

• Superior adhesion with no lifting or separation.


  • Pre-mixed — No liquid to powder ratios.

  • No chasing.

  • Unlimited playtime — Work at your own speed!

  • Cure on demand!

No Ratios, No Running, No Waste!

PolyGel comes in a convenient squeeze tube offering 30 to 50 sets per tube!*

*number of sets dependent on application type

60g. / 2oz

PolyGel is only available to PolyGel trained nail techs. Should you choose to purchase this product without attending training; this would be done at your own risk and without our ongoing technical support. You would be putting your clients at risk, and would not be covered by your insurance. In addition, our insurers will not cover us for advising you how to use it. All officially qualified PolyGel Nail Techs will receive a certificate plus this window cling showing that they're an Authorised PolyGel Nail Technician. Nail Harmony UK or Creative Academy will not be held responsible for any liability claims arising from non-trained individuals

€50.00 (€61.50 inc VAT)

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